Tuesday, September 14, 2010

30 Days of Me. Um. Yay? Day 3... A picture of me and my friends

This is something of a bummer. I don't have anything in my photo collection that would even come close to capturing me and my friends. It's also something of an impossibility. I have my friends from different jobs, football, high school, family and now some new ones from Twitter. How would you capture all that in one photo? Especially as a lot of them have now dispersed across the world and reunions are few and far between.

I suggest that my Facebook and Twitter accounts give a "snapshot" of my friends and me. Also, I'm usually the one behind the camera, so that stops me ever being in front of the camera. (I can hear you all shouting "Hallelujah" from here... bastards!)

So. If you want to see what me and my friends look like:
  1. My Facebook profile
  2. My Twitter account
 Simple, really.

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