Saturday, March 22, 2008

Insomnia, decaffeinated coffee, too much to learn!

Ya know, I'm still awake at three in the morning. It might have to do with the decaf coffee that I spiked with caffeinated beans because we ran out of decaffeinated ones....

I'm starting to yawn now. About bleedin' time. In the meantime I've been doing research on multicore software, .NET 3.5 and F#. Insanely, the three are intertwined. However I hopefully only need to learn two of them. There is now apparently some new toy in VS 2008 that abstracts the multicore processing thing and will now do much of the hard programming for you. Nifty. I'm trying to find good ways to boost the performance of the software I work on. It's not parallelizable at the moment and any moves in that direction would be highly desirable for my career advancement.

The other activities one gets up to when dealing with insomnia include playing guitar (very quietly so as to not wake anyone else), reading Facebook, updating my LinkedIn contacts, and searching for something slightly interesting on the internet.

Add blogging to that list.

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